Getting Started


  • Stable Version from Pypi has the latest stable package.

    For installing the package using pip, run pip install o365

  • Latest Development Version from Github

    Github has the latest development version, which may have more features but could be unstable. So Use as own risk

    For installing code from github, run pip install git+

OAuth Setup (Pre Requisite)

You will need to register your application at Microsoft Apps. Steps below

  1. Login to

  2. Create an app, note your app id (client_id)

  3. Generate a new password (client_secret) under Application Secrets section

  4. Under the Platform section, add a new Web platform and set “” as the redirect URL

  5. Under “Microsoft Graph Permissions” section, Add the below delegated permission (or based on what scopes you plan to use)
    1. email

    2. Mail.ReadWrite

    3. Mail.Send

    4. User.Read

  6. Note the client_id and client_secret as they will be using for establishing the connection through the api

Basic Usage

Work in progress