Source code for O365.message

import datetime as dt
import logging
from enum import Enum

import pytz
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
from dateutil.parser import parse
from pathlib import Path

from .utils import OutlookWellKnowFolderNames, ApiComponent, \
    BaseAttachments, BaseAttachment, AttachableMixin, ImportanceLevel, \
    TrackerSet, Recipient, HandleRecipientsMixin, CaseEnum
from .calendar import Event
from .category import Category

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RecipientType(Enum): TO = 'to' CC = 'cc' BCC = 'bcc'
[docs]class MeetingMessageType(CaseEnum): MeetingRequest = 'meetingRequest' MeetingCancelled = 'meetingCancelled' MeetingAccepted = 'meetingAccepted' MeetingTentativelyAccepted = 'meetingTentativelyAccepted' MeetingDeclined = 'meetingDeclined'
[docs]class Flag(CaseEnum): NotFlagged = 'notFlagged' Complete = 'complete' Flagged = 'flagged'
[docs]class MessageAttachment(BaseAttachment): _endpoints = { 'attach': '/messages/{id}/attachments', 'attachment': '/messages/{id}/attachments/{ida}', }
[docs]class MessageAttachments(BaseAttachments): _endpoints = { 'attachments': '/messages/{id}/attachments', 'attachment': '/messages/{id}/attachments/{ida}', 'get_mime': '/messages/{id}/attachments/{ida}/$value', } _attachment_constructor = MessageAttachment
[docs] def save_as_eml(self, attachment, to_path=None): """ Saves this message as and EML to the file system :param MessageAttachment attachment: the MessageAttachment to store as eml. :param Path or str to_path: the path where to store this file """ if not attachment or not isinstance(attachment, MessageAttachment) \ or attachment.attachment_id is None or attachment.attachment_type != 'item': raise ValueError('Must provide a saved "item" attachment of type MessageAttachment') if to_path is None: to_path = Path('message_eml.eml') else: if not isinstance(to_path, Path): to_path = Path(to_path) if not to_path.suffix: to_path = to_path.with_suffix('.eml') msg_id = self._parent.object_id if msg_id is None: raise RuntimeError('Attempting to get the mime contents of an unsaved message') url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('get_mime').format(id=msg_id, ida=attachment.attachment_id)) response = self._parent.con.get(url) if not response: return False mime_content = response.content if mime_content: with'wb') as file_obj: file_obj.write(mime_content) return True return False
[docs]class MessageFlag(ApiComponent): """ A flag on a message """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, flag_data): """ An flag on a message Not available on Outlook Rest Api v2 (only in beta) :param parent: parent of this :type parent: Message :param dict flag_data: flag data from cloud """ super().__init__(protocol=parent.protocol, main_resource=parent.main_resource) self.__message = parent self.__status = Flag.from_value(flag_data.get(self._cc('flagStatus'), 'notFlagged')) start_obj = flag_data.get(self._cc('startDateTime'), {}) self.__start = self._parse_date_time_time_zone(start_obj) due_date_obj = flag_data.get(self._cc('dueDateTime'), {}) self.__due_date = self._parse_date_time_time_zone(due_date_obj) completed_date_obj = flag_data.get(self._cc('completedDateTime'), {}) self.__completed = self._parse_date_time_time_zone(completed_date_obj)
def __repr__(self): return str(self.__status) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __bool__(self): return self.is_flagged def _track_changes(self): """ Update the track_changes on the message to reflect a needed update on this field """ self.__message._track_changes.add('flag') @property def status(self): return self.__status
[docs] def set_flagged(self, *, start_date=None, due_date=None): """ Sets this message as flagged :param start_date: the start datetime of the followUp :param due_date: the due datetime of the followUp """ self.__status = Flag.Flagged start_date = start_date or due_date = due_date or if start_date.tzinfo is None: start_date = self.protocol.timezone.localize(start_date) if due_date.tzinfo is None: due_date = self.protocol.timezone.localize(due_date) self.__start = start_date self.__due_date = due_date self._track_changes()
[docs] def set_completed(self, *, completition_date=None): """ Sets this message flag as completed :param completition_date: the datetime this followUp was completed """ self.__status = Flag.Complete completition_date = completition_date or if completition_date.tzinfo is None: completition_date = self.protocol.timezone.localize(completition_date) self.__completed = completition_date self._track_changes()
[docs] def delete_flag(self): """ Sets this message as un flagged """ self.__status = Flag.NotFlagged self.__start = None self.__due_date = None self.__completed = None self._track_changes()
@property def start_date(self): return self.__start @property def due_date(self): return self.__due_date @property def completition_date(self): return self.__completed @property def is_completed(self): return self.__status is Flag.Complete @property def is_flagged(self): return self.__status is Flag.Flagged or self.__status is Flag.Complete
[docs] def to_api_data(self): """ Returns this data as a dict to be sent to the server """ data = { self._cc('flagStatus'): self._cc(self.__status.value) } if self.__status is Flag.Flagged: data[self._cc('startDateTime')] = self._build_date_time_time_zone(self.__start) if self.__start is not None else None data[self._cc('dueDateTime')] = self._build_date_time_time_zone(self.__due_date) if self.__due_date is not None else None if self.__status is Flag.Complete: data[self._cc('completedDateTime')] = self._build_date_time_time_zone(self.__completed) return data
[docs]class Message(ApiComponent, AttachableMixin, HandleRecipientsMixin): """ Management of the process of sending, receiving, reading, and editing emails. """ _endpoints = { 'create_draft': '/messages', 'create_draft_folder': '/mailFolders/{id}/messages', 'send_mail': '/sendMail', 'send_draft': '/messages/{id}/send', 'get_message': '/messages/{id}', 'move_message': '/messages/{id}/move', 'copy_message': '/messages/{id}/copy', 'create_reply': '/messages/{id}/createReply', 'create_reply_all': '/messages/{id}/createReplyAll', 'forward_message': '/messages/{id}/createForward', 'get_mime': '/messages/{id}/$value', }
[docs] def __init__(self, *, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs): """ Makes a new message wrapper for sending and receiving messages. :param parent: parent folder/account to create the message in :type parent: mailbox.Folder or Account :param Connection con: connection to use if no parent specified :param Protocol protocol: protocol to use if no parent specified (kwargs) :param str main_resource: use this resource instead of parent resource (kwargs) :param bool download_attachments: whether or not to download attachments (kwargs) """ if parent and con: raise ValueError('Need a parent or a connection but not both') self.con = parent.con if parent else con # Choose the main_resource passed in kwargs over parent main_resource main_resource = kwargs.pop('main_resource', None) or ( getattr(parent, 'main_resource', None) if parent else None) super().__init__( protocol=parent.protocol if parent else kwargs.get('protocol'), main_resource=main_resource, attachment_name_property='subject', attachment_type='message_type') download_attachments = kwargs.get('download_attachments') cloud_data = kwargs.get(self._cloud_data_key, {}) cc = self._cc # alias to shorten the code # internal to know which properties need to be updated on the server self._track_changes = TrackerSet(casing=cc) self.object_id = cloud_data.get(cc('id'), kwargs.get('object_id', None)) self.__created = cloud_data.get(cc('createdDateTime'), None) self.__modified = cloud_data.get(cc('lastModifiedDateTime'), None) self.__received = cloud_data.get(cc('receivedDateTime'), None) self.__sent = cloud_data.get(cc('sentDateTime'), None) local_tz = self.protocol.timezone self.__created = parse(self.__created).astimezone( local_tz) if self.__created else None self.__modified = parse(self.__modified).astimezone( local_tz) if self.__modified else None self.__received = parse(self.__received).astimezone( local_tz) if self.__received else None self.__sent = parse(self.__sent).astimezone( local_tz) if self.__sent else None self.__attachments = MessageAttachments(parent=self, attachments=[]) self.__attachments.add({self._cloud_data_key: cloud_data.get(cc('attachments'), [])}) self.has_attachments = cloud_data.get(cc('hasAttachments'), False) self.__subject = cloud_data.get(cc('subject'), '') self.__body_preview = cloud_data.get(cc('bodyPreview'), '') body = cloud_data.get(cc('body'), {}) self.__body = body.get(cc('content'), '') self.body_type = body.get(cc('contentType'), 'HTML') # default to HTML for new messages unique_body = cloud_data.get(cc('uniqueBody'), {}) self.__unique_body = unique_body.get(cc('content'), '') self.unique_body_type = unique_body.get(cc('contentType'), 'HTML') # default to HTML for new messages if self.has_attachments is False and self.body_type.upper() == 'HTML': # test for inline attachments (Azure responds with hasAttachments=False when there are only inline attachments): if any(img.get('src', '').startswith('cid:') for img in self.get_body_soup().find_all('img')): self.has_attachments = True if self.has_attachments and download_attachments: self.attachments.download_attachments() self.__sender = self._recipient_from_cloud( cloud_data.get(cc('from'), None), field=cc('from')) self.__to = self._recipients_from_cloud( cloud_data.get(cc('toRecipients'), []), field=cc('toRecipients')) self.__cc = self._recipients_from_cloud( cloud_data.get(cc('ccRecipients'), []), field=cc('ccRecipients')) self.__bcc = self._recipients_from_cloud( cloud_data.get(cc('bccRecipients'), []), field=cc('bccRecipients')) self.__reply_to = self._recipients_from_cloud( cloud_data.get(cc('replyTo'), []), field=cc('replyTo')) self.__categories = cloud_data.get(cc('categories'), []) self.__importance = ImportanceLevel.from_value(cloud_data.get(cc('importance'), 'normal') or 'normal') self.__is_read = cloud_data.get(cc('isRead'), None) self.__is_read_receipt_requested = cloud_data.get(cc('isReadReceiptRequested'), False) self.__is_delivery_receipt_requested = cloud_data.get(cc('isDeliveryReceiptRequested'), False) # if this message is an EventMessage: meeting_mt = cloud_data.get(cc('meetingMessageType'), 'none') # hack to avoid typo in EventMessage between Api v1.0 and beta: meeting_mt = meeting_mt.replace('Tenatively', 'Tentatively') self.__meeting_message_type = MeetingMessageType.from_value(meeting_mt) if meeting_mt != 'none' else None # a message is a draft by default self.__is_draft = cloud_data.get(cc('isDraft'), kwargs.get('is_draft', True)) self.conversation_id = cloud_data.get(cc('conversationId'), None) self.conversation_index = cloud_data.get(cc('conversationIndex'), None) self.folder_id = cloud_data.get(cc('parentFolderId'), None) flag_data = cloud_data.get(cc('flag'), {}) self.__flag = MessageFlag(parent=self, flag_data=flag_data) self.internet_message_id = cloud_data.get(cc('internetMessageId'), '') self.web_link = cloud_data.get(cc('webLink'), '') # Headers only retrieved when selecting 'internetMessageHeaders' self.message_headers = cloud_data.get(cc('internetMessageHeaders'), [])
def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return 'Subject: {}'.format(self.subject) def __eq__(self, other): return self.object_id == other.object_id @property def is_read(self): """ Check if the message is read or not :getter: Get the status of message read :setter: Mark the message as read :type: bool """ return self.__is_read @is_read.setter def is_read(self, value): self.__is_read = value self._track_changes.add('isRead') @property def is_draft(self): """ Check if the message is marked as draft :type: bool """ return self.__is_draft @property def subject(self): """ Subject of the email message :getter: Get the current subject :setter: Assign a new subject :type: str """ return self.__subject @subject.setter def subject(self, value): self.__subject = value self._track_changes.add('subject') @property def body_preview(self): """ Returns the body preview """ return self.__body_preview @property def body(self): """ Body of the email message :getter: Get body text of current message :setter: set html body of the message :type: str """ return self.__body @body.setter def body(self, value): if self.__body: if not value: self.__body = '' elif self.body_type == 'html': soup = bs(self.__body, 'html.parser') soup.body.insert(0, bs(value, 'html.parser')) self.__body = str(soup) else: self.__body = ''.join((value, '\n', self.__body)) else: self.__body = value self._track_changes.add('body') @property def unique_body(self): """ The unique body of this message Requires a select to retrieve it. :rtype: str """ return self.__unique_body @property def created(self): """ Created time of the message """ return self.__created @property def modified(self): """ Message last modified time """ return self.__modified @property def received(self): """ Message received time""" return self.__received @property def sent(self): """ Message sent time""" return self.__sent @property def attachments(self): """ List of attachments """ return self.__attachments @property def sender(self): """ Sender of the message :getter: Get the current sender :setter: Update the from address with new value :type: str or Recipient """ return self.__sender @sender.setter def sender(self, value): """ sender is a property to force to be always a Recipient class """ if isinstance(value, Recipient): if value._parent is None: value._parent = self value._field = 'from' self.__sender = value elif isinstance(value, str): self.__sender.address = value = '' else: raise ValueError( 'sender must be an address string or a Recipient object') self._track_changes.add('from') @property def to(self): """ 'TO' list of recipients """ return self.__to @property def cc(self): """ 'CC' list of recipients """ return self.__cc @property def bcc(self): """ 'BCC' list of recipients """ return self.__bcc @property def reply_to(self): """ Reply to address """ return self.__reply_to @property def categories(self): """ Categories of this message :getter: Current list of categories :setter: Set new categories for the message :type: list[str] or str """ return self.__categories @categories.setter def categories(self, value): if isinstance(value, list): self.__categories = [] for val in value: if isinstance(val, Category): self.__categories.append( else: self.__categories.append(val) elif isinstance(value, str): self.__categories = [value] elif isinstance(value, Category): self.__categories = [] else: raise ValueError('categories must be a list') self._track_changes.add('categories')
[docs] def add_category(self, category): """ Adds a category to this message current categories list """ if isinstance(category, Category): self.__categories.append( else: self.__categories.append(category) self._track_changes.add('categories')
@property def importance(self): """ Importance of the message :getter: Get the current priority of the message :setter: Set a different importance level :type: str or ImportanceLevel """ return self.__importance @importance.setter def importance(self, value): self.__importance = (value if isinstance(value, ImportanceLevel) else ImportanceLevel.from_value(value)) self._track_changes.add('importance') @property def is_read_receipt_requested(self): """ if the read receipt is requested for this message :getter: Current state of isReadReceiptRequested :setter: Set isReadReceiptRequested for the message :type: bool """ return self.__is_read_receipt_requested @is_read_receipt_requested.setter def is_read_receipt_requested(self, value): self.__is_read_receipt_requested = bool(value) self._track_changes.add('isReadReceiptRequested') @property def is_delivery_receipt_requested(self): """ if the delivery receipt is requested for this message :getter: Current state of isDeliveryReceiptRequested :setter: Set isDeliveryReceiptRequested for the message :type: bool """ return self.__is_delivery_receipt_requested @is_delivery_receipt_requested.setter def is_delivery_receipt_requested(self, value): self.__is_delivery_receipt_requested = bool(value) self._track_changes.add('isDeliveryReceiptRequested') @property def meeting_message_type(self): """ If this message is a EventMessage, returns the meeting type: meetingRequest, meetingCancelled, meetingAccepted, meetingTentativelyAccepted, meetingDeclined """ return self.__meeting_message_type @property def is_event_message(self): """ Returns if this message is of type EventMessage and therefore can return the related event. """ return self.__meeting_message_type is not None @property def flag(self): """ The Message Flag instance """ return self.__flag
[docs] def to_api_data(self, restrict_keys=None): """ Returns a dict representation of this message prepared to be send to the cloud :param restrict_keys: a set of keys to restrict the returned data to :type restrict_keys: dict or set :return: converted to cloud based keys :rtype: dict """ cc = self._cc # alias to shorten the code message = { cc('subject'): self.subject, cc('body'): { cc('contentType'): self.body_type, cc('content'): self.body}, cc('importance'): cc(self.importance.value), cc('flag'): self.flag.to_api_data(), cc('isReadReceiptRequested'): self.is_read_receipt_requested, cc('isDeliveryReceiptRequested'): self.is_delivery_receipt_requested, } if message[cc('toRecipients')] = [self._recipient_to_cloud(recipient) for recipient in] if message[cc('ccRecipients')] = [self._recipient_to_cloud(recipient) for recipient in] if self.bcc: message[cc('bccRecipients')] = [self._recipient_to_cloud(recipient) for recipient in self.bcc] if self.reply_to: message[cc('replyTo')] = [self._recipient_to_cloud(recipient) for recipient in self.reply_to] if self.attachments: message[cc('attachments')] = self.attachments.to_api_data() if self.sender and self.sender.address: message[cc('from')] = self._recipient_to_cloud(self.sender) if self.categories or 'categories' in (restrict_keys or {}): message[cc('categories')] = self.categories if self.object_id and not self.__is_draft: # return the whole signature of this message message[cc('id')] = self.object_id if self.created: message[cc('createdDateTime')] = self.created.astimezone( pytz.utc).isoformat() if self.received: message[cc('receivedDateTime')] = self.received.astimezone( pytz.utc).isoformat() if self.sent: message[cc('sentDateTime')] = self.sent.astimezone( pytz.utc).isoformat() message[cc('hasAttachments')] = bool(self.attachments) message[cc('isRead')] = self.is_read message[cc('isDraft')] = self.__is_draft message[cc('conversationId')] = self.conversation_id # this property does not form part of the message itself message[cc('parentFolderId')] = self.folder_id if restrict_keys: for key in list(message.keys()): if key not in restrict_keys: del message[key] return message
[docs] def send(self, save_to_sent_folder=True): """ Sends this message :param bool save_to_sent_folder: whether or not to save it to sent folder :return: Success / Failure :rtype: bool """ if self.object_id and not self.__is_draft: return RuntimeError('Not possible to send a message that is not ' 'new or a draft. Use Reply or Forward instead.') if self.__is_draft and self.object_id: url = self.build_url( self._endpoints.get('send_draft').format(id=self.object_id)) if self._track_changes: # there are pending changes to be committed self.save_draft() data = None else: url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('send_mail')) data = {self._cc('message'): self.to_api_data()} if save_to_sent_folder is False: data[self._cc('saveToSentItems')] = False response =, data=data) # response evaluates to false if 4XX or 5XX status codes are returned if not response: return False self.object_id = 'sent_message' if not self.object_id \ else self.object_id self.__is_draft = False return True
[docs] def reply(self, to_all=True): """ Creates a new message that is a reply to this message :param bool to_all: whether or not to replies to all the recipients instead to just the sender :return: new message :rtype: Message """ if not self.object_id or self.__is_draft: raise RuntimeError("Can't reply to this message") if to_all: url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('create_reply_all').format( id=self.object_id)) else: url = self.build_url( self._endpoints.get('create_reply').format(id=self.object_id)) response = if not response: return None message = response.json() # Everything received from cloud must be passed as self._cloud_data_key return self.__class__(parent=self, **{self._cloud_data_key: message})
[docs] def forward(self): """ Creates a new message that is a forward this message :return: new message :rtype: Message """ if not self.object_id or self.__is_draft: raise RuntimeError("Can't forward this message") url = self.build_url( self._endpoints.get('forward_message').format(id=self.object_id)) response = if not response: return None message = response.json() # Everything received from cloud must be passed as self._cloud_data_key return self.__class__(parent=self, **{self._cloud_data_key: message})
[docs] def delete(self): """ Deletes a stored message :return: Success / Failure :rtype: bool """ if self.object_id is None: raise RuntimeError('Attempting to delete an unsaved Message') url = self.build_url( self._endpoints.get('get_message').format(id=self.object_id)) response = self.con.delete(url) return bool(response)
[docs] def mark_as_read(self): """ Marks this message as read in the cloud :return: Success / Failure :rtype: bool """ if self.object_id is None or self.__is_draft: raise RuntimeError('Attempting to mark as read an unsaved Message') data = {self._cc('isRead'): True} url = self.build_url( self._endpoints.get('get_message').format(id=self.object_id)) response = self.con.patch(url, data=data) if not response: return False self.__is_read = True return True
[docs] def mark_as_unread(self): """ Marks this message as unread in the cloud :return: Success / Failure :rtype: bool """ if self.object_id is None or self.__is_draft: raise RuntimeError('Attempting to mark as unread an unsaved Message') data = {self._cc('isRead'): False} url = self.build_url( self._endpoints.get('get_message').format(id=self.object_id)) response = self.con.patch(url, data=data) if not response: return False self.__is_read = False return True
[docs] def move(self, folder): """ Move the message to a given folder :param folder: Folder object or Folder id or Well-known name to move this message to :type folder: str or mailbox.Folder :return: Success / Failure :rtype: bool """ if self.object_id is None: raise RuntimeError('Attempting to move an unsaved Message') url = self.build_url( self._endpoints.get('move_message').format(id=self.object_id)) if isinstance(folder, str): folder_id = folder else: folder_id = getattr(folder, 'folder_id', None) if not folder_id: raise RuntimeError('Must Provide a valid folder_id') data = {self._cc('destinationId'): folder_id} response =, data=data) if not response: return False message = response.json() self.folder_id = folder_id self.object_id = message.get('id') return True
[docs] def copy(self, folder): """ Copy the message to a given folder :param folder: Folder object or Folder id or Well-known name to copy this message to :type folder: str or mailbox.Folder :returns: the copied message :rtype: Message """ if self.object_id is None: raise RuntimeError('Attempting to move an unsaved Message') url = self.build_url( self._endpoints.get('copy_message').format(id=self.object_id)) if isinstance(folder, str): folder_id = folder else: folder_id = getattr(folder, 'folder_id', None) if not folder_id: raise RuntimeError('Must Provide a valid folder_id') data = {self._cc('destinationId'): folder_id} response =, data=data) if not response: return None message = response.json() # Everything received from cloud must be passed as self._cloud_data_key return self.__class__(parent=self, **{self._cloud_data_key: message})
[docs] def save_message(self): """ Saves changes to a message. If the message is a new or saved draft it will call 'save_draft' otherwise this will save only properties of a message that are draft-independent such as: - is_read - category - flag :return: Success / Failure :rtype: bool """ if self.object_id and not self.__is_draft: # we are only allowed to save some properties: allowed_changes = {self._cc('isRead'), self._cc('categories'), self._cc('flag')} # allowed changes to be saved by this method changes = {tc for tc in self._track_changes if tc in allowed_changes} if not changes: return True # there's nothing to update url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('get_message').format(id=self.object_id)) data = self.to_api_data(restrict_keys=changes) response = self.con.patch(url, data=data) if not response: return False self._track_changes.clear() # reset the tracked changes as they are all saved self.__modified = self.protocol.timezone.localize( return True else: # fallback to save_draft return self.save_draft()
[docs] def save_draft(self, target_folder=OutlookWellKnowFolderNames.DRAFTS): """ Save this message as a draft on the cloud :param target_folder: name of the drafts folder :return: Success / Failure :rtype: bool """ if self.object_id: # update message. Attachments are NOT included nor saved. if not self.__is_draft: raise RuntimeError('Only draft messages can be updated') if not self._track_changes: return True # there's nothing to update url = self.build_url( self._endpoints.get('get_message').format(id=self.object_id)) method = self.con.patch data = self.to_api_data(restrict_keys=self._track_changes) data.pop(self._cc('attachments'), None) # attachments are handled by the next method call # noinspection PyProtectedMember self.attachments._update_attachments_to_cloud() else: # new message. Attachments are included and saved. if not self.__is_draft: raise RuntimeError('Only draft messages can be saved as drafts') target_folder = target_folder or OutlookWellKnowFolderNames.DRAFTS if isinstance(target_folder, OutlookWellKnowFolderNames): target_folder = target_folder.value elif not isinstance(target_folder, str): # a Folder instance target_folder = getattr(target_folder, 'folder_id', OutlookWellKnowFolderNames.DRAFTS.value) url = self.build_url( self._endpoints.get('create_draft_folder').format( id=target_folder)) method = data = self.to_api_data() if not data: return True response = method(url, data=data) if not response: return False self._track_changes.clear() # reset the tracked changes as they are all saved if not self.object_id: # new message message = response.json() self.object_id = message.get(self._cc('id'), None) self.folder_id = message.get(self._cc('parentFolderId'), None) # fallback to office365 v1.0 self.__created = message.get(self._cc('createdDateTime'), message.get( self._cc('dateTimeCreated'), None)) # fallback to office365 v1.0 self.__modified = message.get(self._cc('lastModifiedDateTime'), message.get( self._cc('dateTimeModified'), None)) self.__created = parse(self.__created).astimezone( self.protocol.timezone) if self.__created else None self.__modified = parse(self.__modified).astimezone( self.protocol.timezone) if self.__modified else None self.web_link = message.get(self._cc('webLink'), '') else: self.__modified = self.protocol.timezone.localize( return True
[docs] def get_body_text(self): """ Parse the body html and returns the body text using bs4 :return: body as text :rtype: str """ if self.body_type.upper() != 'HTML': return self.body try: soup = bs(self.body, 'html.parser') except RuntimeError: return self.body else: return soup.body.text
[docs] def get_body_soup(self): """ Returns the beautifulsoup4 of the html body :return: BeautifulSoup object of body :rtype: BeautifulSoup """ if self.body_type.upper() != 'HTML': return None else: return bs(self.body, 'html.parser')
[docs] def get_event(self): """ If this is a EventMessage it should return the related Event""" if not self.is_event_message: return None # select a dummy field (eg. subject) to avoid pull unneccesary data query = self.q().select('subject').expand('event') url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('get_message').format(id=self.object_id)) response = self.con.get(url, params=query.as_params()) if not response: return None data = response.json() event_data = data.get(self._cc('event')) return Event(parent=self, **{self._cloud_data_key: event_data})
[docs] def get_mime_content(self): """ Returns the MIME contents of this message """ if self.object_id is None: raise RuntimeError('Attempting to get the mime contents of an unsaved message') url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('get_mime').format(id=self.object_id)) response = self.con.get(url) if not response: return None return response.content
[docs] def save_as_eml(self, to_path=None): """ Saves this message as and EML to the file system :param Path or str to_path: the path where to store this file """ if to_path is None: to_path = Path('message_eml.eml') else: if not isinstance(to_path, Path): to_path = Path(to_path) if not to_path.suffix: to_path = to_path.with_suffix('.eml') mime_content = self.get_mime_content() if mime_content: with'wb') as file_obj: file_obj.write(mime_content) return True return False