import logging
from dateutil.parser import parse
from .utils import ApiComponent, TrackerSet, NEXT_LINK_KEYWORD, Pagination
from .address_book import Contact
from .drive import Storage
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class SharepointListColumn(ApiComponent):
""" A Sharepoint List column within a SharepointList """
_endpoints = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, *, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs):
if parent and con:
raise ValueError('Need a parent or a connection but not both')
self.con = parent.con if parent else con
# Choose the main_resource passed in kwargs over the parent main_resource
main_resource = kwargs.pop('main_resource', None) or (
getattr(parent, 'main_resource', None) if parent else None)
super().__init__(protocol=parent.protocol if parent else kwargs.get('protocol'), main_resource=main_resource)
cloud_data = kwargs.get(self._cloud_data_key, {})
self.object_id = cloud_data.get('id')
self.column_group = cloud_data.get(self._cc('columnGroup'), None)
self.description = cloud_data.get(self._cc('description'), None)
self.display_name = cloud_data.get(self._cc('displayName'), None)
self.enforce_unique_values = cloud_data.get(self._cc('enforceUniqueValues'), None)
self.hidden = cloud_data.get(self._cc('hidden'), None)
self.indexed = cloud_data.get(self._cc('indexed'), None)
self.internal_name = cloud_data.get(self._cc('name'), None)
self.read_only = cloud_data.get(self._cc('readOnly'), None)
self.required = cloud_data.get(self._cc('required'), None)
# identify the sharepoint column type and set it
# Graph api doesn't return the type for managed metadata and link column
if cloud_data.get(self._cc('text'), None) is not None:
self.field_type = 'text'
elif cloud_data.get(self._cc('choice'), None) is not None:
self.field_type = 'choice'
elif cloud_data.get(self._cc('number'), None) is not None:
self.field_type = 'number'
elif cloud_data.get(self._cc('currency'), None) is not None:
self.field_type = 'currency'
elif cloud_data.get(self._cc('dateTime'), None) is not None:
self.field_type = 'dateTime'
elif cloud_data.get(self._cc('lookup'), None) is not None:
self.field_type = 'lookup'
elif cloud_data.get(self._cc('boolean'), None) is not None:
self.field_type = 'boolean'
elif cloud_data.get(self._cc('calculated'), None) is not None:
self.field_type = 'calculated'
elif cloud_data.get(self._cc('personOrGroup'), None) is not None:
self.field_type = 'personOrGroup'
self.field_type = None
def __repr__(self):
return 'List Column: {0}-{1}'.format(self.display_name, self.field_type)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.object_id == other.object_id
[docs]class SharepointListItem(ApiComponent):
_endpoints = {'update_list_item': '/items/{item_id}/fields',
'delete_list_item': '/items/{item_id}'}
[docs] def __init__(self, *, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs):
""" A Sharepoint ListItem within a SharepointList
:param parent: parent object
:type parent: SharepointList
:param Connection con: connection to use if no parent specified
:param Protocol protocol: protocol to use if no parent specified
:param str main_resource: use this resource instead of parent resource
if parent and con:
raise ValueError('Need a parent or a connection but not both')
self.con = parent.con if parent else con
self._parent = parent
# Choose the main_resource passed in kwargs over parent main_resource
main_resource = kwargs.pop('main_resource', None) or (
getattr(parent, 'main_resource', None) if parent else None)
protocol=parent.protocol if parent else kwargs.get('protocol'),
cloud_data = kwargs.get(self._cloud_data_key, {})
self._track_changes = TrackerSet(casing=self._cc)
self.object_id = cloud_data.get('id')
created = cloud_data.get(self._cc('createdDateTime'), None)
modified = cloud_data.get(self._cc('lastModifiedDateTime'), None)
local_tz = self.protocol.timezone
self.created = parse(created).astimezone(local_tz) if created else None
self.modified = parse(modified).astimezone(local_tz) if modified else None
created_by = cloud_data.get(self._cc('createdBy'), {}).get('user', None)
self.created_by = Contact(con=self.con, protocol=self.protocol,
**{self._cloud_data_key: created_by}) if created_by else None
modified_by = cloud_data.get(self._cc('lastModifiedBy'), {}).get('user', None)
self.modified_by = Contact(con=self.con, protocol=self.protocol,
**{self._cloud_data_key: modified_by}) if modified_by else None
self.web_url = cloud_data.get(self._cc('webUrl'), None)
self.content_type_id = cloud_data.get(self._cc('contentType'), {}).get('id', None)
self.fields = cloud_data.get(self._cc('fields'), None)
def __repr__(self):
return 'List Item: {}'.format(self.web_url)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.object_id == other.object_id
def _clear_tracker(self):
self._track_changes = TrackerSet(casing=self._cc)
def _valid_field(self, field):
# Verify the used field names are valid internal field names
valid_field_names = self.fields if self.fields \
else self._parent.column_name_cw.values() \
if self._parent \
else None
if valid_field_names:
return field in valid_field_names
# If no parent is given, and no internal fields are defined assume correct, API will check
return True
[docs] def update_fields(self, updates):
Update the value for a field(s) in the listitem
:param update: A dict of {'field name': newvalue}
for field in updates:
if self._valid_field(field):
raise ValueError('"{}" is not a valid internal field name'.format(field))
# Update existing instance of fields, or create a fields instance if needed
if self.fields:
self.fields = updates
[docs] def save_updates(self):
"""Save the updated fields to the cloud"""
if not self._track_changes:
return True # there's nothing to update
url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('update_list_item').format(item_id=self.object_id))
update = {field: value for field, value in self.fields.items()
if self._cc(field) in self._track_changes}
response = self.con.patch(url, update)
if not response:
return False
return True
[docs] def delete(self):
url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('delete_list_item').format(item_id=self.object_id))
response = self.con.delete(url)
return bool(response)
[docs]class SharepointList(ApiComponent):
_endpoints = {
'get_items': '/items',
'get_item_by_id': '/items/{item_id}',
'get_list_columns': '/columns'
list_item_constructor = SharepointListItem
list_column_constructor = SharepointListColumn
[docs] def __init__(self, *, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs):
""" A Sharepoint site List
:param parent: parent object
:type parent: Site
:param Connection con: connection to use if no parent specified
:param Protocol protocol: protocol to use if no parent specified
:param str main_resource: use this resource instead of parent resource
if parent and con:
raise ValueError('Need a parent or a connection but not both')
self.con = parent.con if parent else con
cloud_data = kwargs.get(self._cloud_data_key, {})
self.object_id = cloud_data.get('id')
# Choose the main_resource passed in kwargs over parent main_resource
main_resource = kwargs.pop('main_resource', None) or (
getattr(parent, 'main_resource', None) if parent else None)
# prefix with the current known list
resource_prefix = '/lists/{list_id}'.format(list_id=self.object_id)
main_resource = '{}{}'.format(main_resource, resource_prefix)
protocol=parent.protocol if parent else kwargs.get('protocol'),
main_resource=main_resource) = cloud_data.get(self._cc('name'), '')
self.display_name = cloud_data.get(self._cc('displayName'), '')
if not = self.display_name
self.description = cloud_data.get(self._cc('description'), '')
self.web_url = cloud_data.get(self._cc('webUrl'))
created = cloud_data.get(self._cc('createdDateTime'), None)
modified = cloud_data.get(self._cc('lastModifiedDateTime'), None)
local_tz = self.protocol.timezone
self.created = parse(created).astimezone(local_tz) if created else None
self.modified = parse(modified).astimezone(
local_tz) if modified else None
created_by = cloud_data.get(self._cc('createdBy'), {}).get('user', None)
self.created_by = (Contact(con=self.con, protocol=self.protocol,
**{self._cloud_data_key: created_by})
if created_by else None)
modified_by = cloud_data.get(self._cc('lastModifiedBy'), {}).get('user',
self.modified_by = (Contact(con=self.con, protocol=self.protocol,
**{self._cloud_data_key: modified_by})
if modified_by else None)
# list info
lst_info = cloud_data.get('list', {})
self.content_types_enabled = lst_info.get(
self._cc('contentTypesEnabled'), False)
self.hidden = lst_info.get(self._cc('hidden'), False)
self.template = lst_info.get(self._cc('template'), False)
# Crosswalk between display name of user defined columns to internal name
self.column_name_cw = {col.display_name: col.internal_name for
col in self.get_list_columns() if not col.read_only}
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.object_id == other.object_id
[docs] def get_items(self, limit=None, *, query=None, order_by=None, batch=None):
""" Returns a collection of Sharepoint Items
:param int limit: max no. of items to get. Over 999 uses batch.
:param query: applies a filter to the request.
:type query: Query or str
:param order_by: orders the result set based on this condition
:type order_by: Query or str
:param int batch: batch size, retrieves items in
batches allowing to retrieve more items than the limit.
:return: list of Sharepoint Items
:rtype: list[SharepointListItem] or Pagination
url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('get_items'))
if limit is None or limit > self.protocol.max_top_value:
batch = self.protocol.max_top_value
params = {'$top': batch if batch else limit}
if order_by:
params['$orderby'] = order_by
if query:
if isinstance(query, str):
params['$filter'] = query
response = self.con.get(url, params=params)
if not response:
return []
data = response.json()
next_link = data.get(NEXT_LINK_KEYWORD, None)
items = [self.list_item_constructor(parent=self, **{self._cloud_data_key: item})
for item in data.get('value', [])]
if batch and next_link:
return Pagination(parent=self, data=items, constructor=self.list_item_constructor,
next_link=next_link, limit=limit)
return items
[docs] def get_item_by_id(self, item_id):
""" Returns a sharepoint list item based on id"""
url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('get_item_by_id').format(item_id=item_id))
response = self.con.get(url)
if not response:
return []
data = response.json()
return self.list_item_constructor(parent=self, **{self._cloud_data_key: data})
[docs] def get_list_columns(self):
""" Returns the sharepoint list columns """
url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('get_list_columns'))
response = self.con.get(url)
if not response:
return []
data = response.json()
return [self.list_column_constructor(parent=self, **{self._cloud_data_key: column})
for column in data.get('value', [])]
[docs] def create_list_item(self, new_data):
"""Create new list item
:param new_data: dictionary of {'col_name': col_value}
:rtype: SharepointListItem
url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('get_items'))
response =, {'fields': new_data})
if not response:
return False
data = response.json()
return self.list_item_constructor(parent=self, **{self._cloud_data_key: data})
[docs] def delete_list_item(self, item_id):
""" Delete an existing list item
:param item_id: Id of the item to be delted
url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('get_item_by_id').format(item_id=item_id))
response = self.con.delete(url)
return bool(response)
[docs]class Site(ApiComponent):
""" A Sharepoint Site """
_endpoints = {
'get_subsites': '/sites',
'get_lists': '/lists',
'get_list_by_name': '/lists/{display_name}'
list_constructor = SharepointList
[docs] def __init__(self, *, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs):
""" A Sharepoint site List
:param parent: parent object
:type parent: Sharepoint
:param Connection con: connection to use if no parent specified
:param Protocol protocol: protocol to use if no parent specified
:param str main_resource: use this resource instead of parent resource
if parent and con:
raise ValueError('Need a parent or a connection but not both')
self.con = parent.con if parent else con
cloud_data = kwargs.get(self._cloud_data_key, {})
self.object_id = cloud_data.get('id')
# Choose the main_resource passed in kwargs over parent main_resource
main_resource = kwargs.pop('main_resource', None) or (
getattr(parent, 'main_resource', None) if parent else None)
# prefix with the current known site
resource_prefix = 'sites/{site_id}'.format(site_id=self.object_id)
main_resource = (resource_prefix if isinstance(parent, Site)
else '{}{}'.format(main_resource, resource_prefix))
protocol=parent.protocol if parent else kwargs.get('protocol'),
self.root = 'root' in cloud_data # True or False
# Fallback to manual site = cloud_data.get(self._cc('name'), kwargs.get('name', ''))
self.display_name = cloud_data.get(self._cc('displayName'), '')
if not = self.display_name
self.description = cloud_data.get(self._cc('description'), '')
self.web_url = cloud_data.get(self._cc('webUrl'))
created = cloud_data.get(self._cc('createdDateTime'), None)
modified = cloud_data.get(self._cc('lastModifiedDateTime'), None)
local_tz = self.protocol.timezone
self.created = parse(created).astimezone(local_tz) if created else None
self.modified = parse(modified).astimezone(
local_tz) if modified else None
# site storage to access Drives and DriveItems
self.site_storage = Storage(parent=self,
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
return 'Site: {}'.format(
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.object_id == other.object_id
[docs] def get_default_document_library(self, request_drive=False):
""" Returns the default document library of this site (Drive instance)
:param request_drive: True will make an api call to retrieve
the drive data
:rtype: Drive
return self.site_storage.get_default_drive(request_drive=request_drive)
[docs] def get_document_library(self, drive_id):
""" Returns a Document Library (a Drive instance)
:param drive_id: the drive_id to be retrieved.
:rtype: Drive
return self.site_storage.get_drive(drive_id=drive_id)
[docs] def list_document_libraries(self):
""" Returns a collection of document libraries for this site
(a collection of Drive instances)
:return: list of items in this folder
:rtype: list[Drive] or Pagination
return self.site_storage.get_drives()
[docs] def get_subsites(self):
""" Returns a list of subsites defined for this site
:rtype: list[Site]
url = self.build_url(
response = self.con.get(url)
if not response:
return []
data = response.json()
# Everything received from cloud must be passed as self._cloud_data_key
return [self.__class__(parent=self, **{self._cloud_data_key: site}) for
site in data.get('value', [])]
[docs] def get_lists(self):
""" Returns a collection of lists within this site
:rtype: list[SharepointList]
url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('get_lists'))
response = self.con.get(url)
if not response:
return []
data = response.json()
return [self.list_constructor(parent=self, **{self._cloud_data_key: lst}) for lst in data.get('value', [])]
[docs] def get_list_by_name(self, display_name):
Returns a sharepoint list based on the display name of the list
if not display_name:
raise ValueError('Must provide a valid list display name')
url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('get_list_by_name').format(display_name=display_name))
response = self.con.get(url)
if not response:
return []
data = response.json()
return self.list_constructor(parent=self, **{self._cloud_data_key: data})
[docs] def create_list(self, list_data):
Creates a SharePoint list.
:param list_data: Dict representation of list.
:type list_data: Dict
:rtype: list[SharepointList]
url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('get_lists'))
response =, data=list_data)
if not response:
return None
data = response.json()
return self.list_constructor(parent=self, **{self._cloud_data_key: data})
[docs]class Sharepoint(ApiComponent):
""" A Sharepoint parent class to group functionality """
_endpoints = {
'get_site': '/sites/{id}',
'search': '/sites?search={keyword}'
site_constructor = Site
[docs] def __init__(self, *, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs):
""" A Sharepoint site List
:param parent: parent object
:type parent: Account
:param Connection con: connection to use if no parent specified
:param Protocol protocol: protocol to use if no parent specified
:param str main_resource: use this resource instead of parent resource
if parent and con:
raise ValueError('Need a parent or a connection but not both')
self.con = parent.con if parent else con
# Choose the main_resource passed in kwargs over the host_name
main_resource = kwargs.pop('main_resource',
'') # defaults to blank resource
protocol=parent.protocol if parent else kwargs.get('protocol'),
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
return 'Sharepoint'
[docs] def search_site(self, keyword):
""" Search a sharepoint host for sites with the provided keyword
:param keyword: a keyword to search sites
:rtype: list[Site]
if not keyword:
raise ValueError('Must provide a valid keyword')
url = self.build_url(
response = self.con.get(url)
if not response:
return []
data = response.json()
# Everything received from cloud must be passed as self._cloud_data_key
return [
self.site_constructor(parent=self, **{self._cloud_data_key: site})
for site in data.get('value', [])]
[docs] def get_root_site(self):
""" Returns the root site
:rtype: Site
return self.get_site('root')
[docs] def get_site(self, *args):
""" Returns a sharepoint site
:param args: It accepts multiple ways of retrieving a site:
get_site(host_name): the host_name: host_name ej.
'' or 'root'
get_site(site_id): the site_id: a comma separated string of
(host_name, site_collection_id, site_id)
get_site(host_name, path_to_site): host_name ej. 'contoso.', path_to_site: a url path (with a leading slash)
get_site(host_name, site_collection_id, site_id):
host_name ej. ''
:rtype: Site
num_args = len(args)
if num_args == 1:
site = args[0]
elif num_args == 2:
host_name, path_to_site = args
path_to_site = '/' + path_to_site if not path_to_site.startswith(
'/') else path_to_site
site = '{}:{}:'.format(host_name, path_to_site)
elif num_args == 3:
site = ','.join(args)
raise ValueError('Incorrect number of arguments')
url = self.build_url(self._endpoints.get('get_site').format(id=site))
response = self.con.get(url)
if not response:
return None
data = response.json()
return self.site_constructor(parent=self,
**{self._cloud_data_key: data})