import datetime as dt
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import Enum
import pytz
from dateutil.parser import parse
from stringcase import snakecase
from .windows_tz import get_iana_tz, get_windows_tz
from .decorators import fluent
NEXT_LINK_KEYWORD = '@odata.nextLink'
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MAX_RECIPIENTS_PER_MESSAGE = 500 # Actual limit on Office 365
[docs]class CaseEnum(Enum):
""" A Enum that converts the value to a snake_case casing """
def __new__(cls, value):
obj = object.__new__(cls)
obj._value_ = snakecase(value) # value will be transformed to snake_case
return obj
[docs] @classmethod
def from_value(cls, value):
""" Gets a member by a snaked-case provided value"""
return cls(snakecase(value))
except ValueError:
return None
[docs]class ImportanceLevel(CaseEnum):
Normal = 'normal'
Low = 'low'
High = 'high'
[docs]class OutlookWellKnowFolderNames(Enum):
INBOX = 'Inbox'
JUNK = 'JunkEmail'
DELETED = 'DeletedItems'
DRAFTS = 'Drafts'
SENT = 'SentItems'
OUTBOX = 'Outbox'
ARCHIVE = 'Archive'
[docs]class OneDriveWellKnowFolderNames(Enum):
DOCUMENTS = 'documents'
PHOTOS = 'photos'
CAMERA_ROLL = 'cameraroll'
APP_ROOT = 'approot'
MUSIC = 'music'
ATTACHMENTS = 'attachments'
[docs]class ChainOperator(Enum):
AND = 'and'
OR = 'or'
[docs]class TrackerSet(set):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, casing=None, **kwargs):
""" A Custom Set that changes the casing of it's keys
:param func casing: a function to convert into specified case
""" = casing
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add(self, value):
value =
[docs] def remove(self, value):
value =
[docs]class Recipient:
""" A single Recipient """
[docs] def __init__(self, address=None, name=None, parent=None, field=None):
""" Create a recipient with provided information
:param str address: email address of the recipient
:param str name: name of the recipient
:param HandleRecipientsMixin parent: parent recipients handler
:param str field: name of the field to update back
self._address = address or ''
self._name = name or ''
self._parent = parent
self._field = field
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self.address)
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
return '{} ({})'.format(, self.address)
return self.address
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
def _track_changes(self):
""" Update the track_changes on the parent to reflect a
needed update on this field """
if self._field and getattr(self._parent, '_track_changes',
None) is not None:
def address(self):
""" Email address of the recipient
:getter: Get the email address
:setter: Set and update the email address
:type: str
return self._address
def address(self, value):
self._address = value
def name(self):
""" Name of the recipient
:getter: Get the name
:setter: Set and update the name
:type: str
return self._name
def name(self, value):
self._name = value
[docs]class Recipients:
""" A Sequence of Recipients """
[docs] def __init__(self, recipients=None, parent=None, field=None):
""" Recipients must be a list of either address strings or
tuples (name, address) or dictionary elements
:param recipients: list of either address strings or
tuples (name, address) or dictionary elements
:type recipients: list[str] or list[tuple] or list[dict]
or list[Recipient]
:param HandleRecipientsMixin parent: parent recipients handler
:param str field: name of the field to update back
self._parent = parent
self._field = field
self._recipients = []
self.untrack = True
if recipients:
self.untrack = False
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._recipients)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._recipients[key]
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in {recipient.address for recipient in self._recipients}
def __bool__(self):
return bool(len(self._recipients))
def __len__(self):
return len(self._recipients)
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
return 'Recipients count: {}'.format(len(self._recipients))
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
def _track_changes(self):
""" Update the track_changes on the parent to reflect a
needed update on this field """
if self._field and getattr(self._parent, '_track_changes',
None) is not None and self.untrack is False:
[docs] def clear(self):
""" Clear the list of recipients """
self._recipients = []
[docs] def add(self, recipients):
""" Add the supplied recipients to the exiting list
:param recipients: list of either address strings or
tuples (name, address) or dictionary elements
:type recipients: list[str] or list[tuple] or list[dict]
if recipients:
if isinstance(recipients, str):
Recipient(address=recipients, parent=self._parent,
elif isinstance(recipients, Recipient):
elif isinstance(recipients, tuple):
name, address = recipients
if address:
Recipient(address=address, name=name,
parent=self._parent, field=self._field))
elif isinstance(recipients, list):
for recipient in recipients:
raise ValueError('Recipients must be an address string, a '
'Recipient instance, a (name, address) '
'tuple or a list')
[docs] def remove(self, address):
""" Remove an address or multiple addresses
:param address: list of addresses to remove
:type address: str or list[str]
recipients = []
if isinstance(address, str):
address = {address} # set
elif isinstance(address, (list, tuple)):
address = set(address)
for recipient in self._recipients:
if recipient.address not in address:
if len(recipients) != len(self._recipients):
self._recipients = recipients
[docs] def get_first_recipient_with_address(self):
""" Returns the first recipient found with a non blank address
:return: First Recipient
:rtype: Recipient
recipients_with_address = [recipient for recipient in self._recipients
if recipient.address]
if recipients_with_address:
return recipients_with_address[0]
return None
[docs]class HandleRecipientsMixin:
def _recipients_from_cloud(self, recipients, field=None):
""" Transform a recipient from cloud data to object data """
recipients_data = []
for recipient in recipients:
self._recipient_from_cloud(recipient, field=field))
return Recipients(recipients_data, parent=self, field=field)
def _recipient_from_cloud(self, recipient, field=None):
""" Transform a recipient from cloud data to object data """
if recipient:
recipient = recipient.get(self._cc('emailAddress'),
recipient if isinstance(recipient,
dict) else {})
address = recipient.get(self._cc('address'), '')
name = recipient.get(self._cc('name'), '')
return Recipient(address=address, name=name, parent=self,
return Recipient()
def _recipient_to_cloud(self, recipient):
""" Transforms a Recipient object to a cloud dict """
data = None
if recipient:
data = {self._cc('emailAddress'): {
self._cc('address'): recipient.address}}
self._cc('name')] =
return data
[docs]class ApiComponent:
""" Base class for all object interactions with the Cloud Service API
Exposes common access methods to the api protocol within all Api objects
_cloud_data_key = '__cloud_data__' # wraps cloud data with this dict key
_endpoints = {} # dict of all API service endpoints needed
[docs] def __init__(self, *, protocol=None, main_resource=None, **kwargs):
""" Object initialization
:param Protocol protocol: A protocol class or instance to be used with
this connection
:param str main_resource: main_resource to be used in these API
self.protocol = protocol() if isinstance(protocol, type) else protocol
if self.protocol is None:
raise ValueError('Protocol not provided to Api Component')
mr, bu = self.build_base_url(main_resource)
self.main_resource = mr
self._base_url = bu
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
return 'Api Component on resource: {}'.format(self.main_resource)
def _parse_resource(resource):
""" Parses and completes resource information """
resource = resource.strip() if resource else resource
return resource
elif resource.startswith('user:'):
# user resource shorthand
resource = resource.replace('user:', '', 1)
return '{}/{}'.format(USERS_RESOURCE, resource)
elif '@' in resource and not resource.startswith(USERS_RESOURCE):
# user resource backup
# when for example accessing a shared mailbox the
# resource is set to the email address. we have to prefix
# the email with the resource 'users/' so --> 'users/email_address'
return '{}/{}'.format(USERS_RESOURCE, resource)
elif resource.startswith('group:'):
# group resource shorthand
resource = resource.replace('group:', '', 1)
return '{}/{}'.format(GROUPS_RESOURCE, resource)
elif resource.startswith('site:'):
# sharepoint site resource shorthand
resource = resource.replace('site:', '', 1)
return '{}/{}'.format(SITES_RESOURCE, resource)
return resource
[docs] def build_base_url(self, resource):
Builds the base url of this ApiComponent
:param str resource: the resource to build the base url
main_resource = self._parse_resource(resource if resource is not None else self.protocol.default_resource)
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
base_url = '{}{}'.format(self.protocol.service_url, main_resource)
if base_url.endswith('/'):
# when self.main_resource is empty then remove the last slash.
base_url = base_url[:-1]
return main_resource, base_url
[docs] def set_base_url(self, resource):
Sets the base urls for this ApiComponent
:param str resource: the resource to build the base url
self.main_resource, self._base_url = self.build_base_url(resource)
[docs] def build_url(self, endpoint):
""" Returns a url for a given endpoint using the protocol
service url
:param str endpoint: endpoint to build the url for
:return: final url
:rtype: str
return '{}{}'.format(self._base_url, endpoint)
def _gk(self, keyword):
""" Alias for protocol.get_service_keyword """
return self.protocol.get_service_keyword(keyword)
def _cc(self, dict_key):
""" Alias for protocol.convert_case """
return self.protocol.convert_case(dict_key)
def _parse_date_time_time_zone(self, date_time_time_zone):
""" Parses and convert to protocol timezone a dateTimeTimeZone resource
This resource is a dict with a date time and a windows timezone
This is a common structure on Microsoft apis so it's included here.
if date_time_time_zone is None:
return None
local_tz = self.protocol.timezone
if isinstance(date_time_time_zone, dict):
timezone = pytz.timezone(
get_iana_tz(date_time_time_zone.get(self._cc('timeZone'), 'UTC')))
except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
timezone = local_tz
date_time = date_time_time_zone.get(self._cc('dateTime'), None)
date_time = timezone.localize(parse(date_time)) if date_time else None
except OverflowError as e:
log.debug('Could not parse dateTimeTimeZone: {}. Error: {}'.format(date_time_time_zone, str(e)))
date_time = None
if date_time and timezone != local_tz:
date_time = date_time.astimezone(local_tz)
# Outlook v1.0 api compatibility (fallback to datetime string)
date_time = local_tz.localize(parse(date_time_time_zone)) if date_time_time_zone else None
except Exception as e:
log.debug('Could not parse dateTimeTimeZone: {}. Error: {}'.format(date_time_time_zone, str(e)))
date_time = None
return date_time
def _build_date_time_time_zone(self, date_time):
""" Converts a datetime to a dateTimeTimeZone resource """
timezone = if date_time.tzinfo is not None else None
return {
self._cc('dateTime'): date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'),
self._cc('timeZone'): get_windows_tz(timezone or self.protocol.timezone)
[docs] def new_query(self, attribute=None):
""" Create a new query to filter results
:param str attribute: attribute to apply the query for
:return: new Query
:rtype: Query
return Query(attribute=attribute, protocol=self.protocol)
q = new_query # alias for new query
[docs]class Query:
""" Helper to conform OData filters """
_mapping = {
'from': 'from/emailAddress/address',
'to': 'toRecipients/emailAddress/address',
'start': 'start/DateTime',
'end': 'end/DateTime',
'flag': 'flag/flagStatus'
[docs] def __init__(self, attribute=None, *, protocol):
""" Build a query to apply OData filters
:param str attribute: attribute to apply the query for
:param Protocol protocol: protocol to use for connecting
self.protocol = protocol() if isinstance(protocol, type) else protocol
self._attribute = None
self._chain = None
self._negation = False
self._filters = [] # store all the filters
self._order_by = OrderedDict()
self._selects = set()
self._expands = set()
self._search = None
self._open_group_flag = [] # stores if the next attribute must be grouped
self._close_group_flag = [] # stores if the last attribute must be closing a group
def __str__(self):
return 'Filter: {}\nOrder: {}\nSelect: {}\nExpand: {}\nSearch: {}'.format(self.get_filters(),
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
[docs] @fluent
def select(self, *attributes):
""" Adds the attribute to the $select parameter
:param str attributes: the attributes tuple to select.
If empty, the on_attribute previously set is added.
:rtype: Query
if attributes:
for attribute in attributes:
attribute = self.protocol.convert_case(
attribute) if attribute and isinstance(attribute,
str) else None
if attribute:
if '/' in attribute:
# only parent attribute can be selected
attribute = attribute.split('/')[0]
if self._attribute:
return self
[docs] @fluent
def expand(self, *relationships):
""" Adds the relationships (e.g. "event" or "attachments")
that should be expanded with the $expand parameter
Important: The ApiComponent using this should know how to handle this relationships.
eg: Message knows how to handle attachments, and event (if it's an EventMessage).
Important: When using expand on multi-value relationships a max of 20 items will be returned.
:param str relationships: the relationships tuple to expand.
:rtype: Query
for relationship in relationships:
if relationship == 'event':
relationship = '{}/event'.format(self.protocol.get_service_keyword('event_message_type'))
return self
[docs] @fluent
def search(self, text):
Perform a search.
Not from graph docs:
You can currently search only message and person collections.
A $search request returns up to 250 results.
You cannot use $filter or $orderby in a search request.
:param str text: the text to search
:return: the Query instance
if text is None:
self._search = None
# filters an order are not allowed
self._search = '"{}"'.format(text)
return self
[docs] def as_params(self):
""" Returns the filters, orders, select, expands and search as query parameters
:rtype: dict
params = {}
if self.has_filters:
params['$filter'] = self.get_filters()
if self.has_order:
params['$orderby'] = self.get_order()
if self.has_expands and not self.has_selects:
params['$expand'] = self.get_expands()
if self.has_selects and not self.has_expands:
params['$select'] = self.get_selects()
if self.has_expands and self.has_selects:
params['$expand'] = '{}($select={})'.format(self.get_expands(), self.get_selects())
if self._search:
params['$search'] = self._search
params.pop('$filter', None)
params.pop('$orderby', None)
return params
def has_filters(self):
""" Whether the query has filters or not
:rtype: bool
return bool(self._filters)
def has_order(self):
""" Whether the query has order_by or not
:rtype: bool
return bool(self._order_by)
def has_selects(self):
""" Whether the query has select filters or not
:rtype: bool
return bool(self._selects)
def has_expands(self):
""" Whether the query has relationships that should be expanded or not
:rtype: bool
return bool(self._expands)
[docs] def get_filters(self):
""" Returns the result filters
:rtype: str or None
if self._filters:
filters_list = self._filters
if isinstance(filters_list[-1], Enum):
filters_list = filters_list[:-1]
filters = ' '.join(
[fs.value if isinstance(fs, Enum) else fs[1] for fs in filters_list]
# closing opened groups automatically
open_groups = len([x for x in self._open_group_flag if x is False])
for i in range(open_groups - len(self._close_group_flag)):
filters += ')'
return filters
return None
[docs] def get_order(self):
""" Returns the result order by clauses
:rtype: str or None
# first get the filtered attributes in order as they must appear
# in the order_by first
if not self.has_order:
return None
return ','.join(['{} {}'.format(attribute, direction or '').strip()
for attribute, direction in self._order_by.items()])
[docs] def get_selects(self):
""" Returns the result select clause
:rtype: str or None
if self._selects:
return ','.join(self._selects)
return None
[docs] def get_expands(self):
""" Returns the result expand clause
:rtype: str or None
if self._expands:
return ','.join(self._expands)
return None
def _get_mapping(self, attribute):
if attribute:
mapping = self._mapping.get(attribute)
if mapping:
attribute = '/'.join(
[self.protocol.convert_case(step) for step in
attribute = self.protocol.convert_case(attribute)
return attribute
return None
[docs] @fluent
def new(self, attribute, operation=ChainOperator.AND):
""" Combine with a new query
:param str attribute: attribute of new query
:param ChainOperator operation: operation to combine to new query
:rtype: Query
if isinstance(operation, str):
operation = ChainOperator(operation)
self._chain = operation
self._attribute = self._get_mapping(attribute) if attribute else None
self._negation = False
return self
[docs] def clear_filters(self):
""" Clear filters """
self._filters = []
[docs] def clear_order(self):
""" Clears any order commands """
self._order_by = OrderedDict()
[docs] @fluent
def clear(self):
""" Clear everything
:rtype: Query
self._filters = []
self._order_by = OrderedDict()
self._selects = set()
self._negation = False
self._attribute = None
self._chain = None
self._search = None
self._open_group_flag = []
self._close_group_flag = []
return self
[docs] @fluent
def negate(self):
""" Apply a not operator
:rtype: Query
self._negation = not self._negation
return self
[docs] @fluent
def chain(self, operation=ChainOperator.AND):
""" Start a chain operation
:param ChainOperator, str operation: how to combine with a new one
:rtype: Query
if isinstance(operation, str):
operation = ChainOperator(operation)
self._chain = operation
return self
[docs] @fluent
def on_attribute(self, attribute):
""" Apply query on attribute, to be used along with chain()
:param str attribute: attribute name
:rtype: Query
self._attribute = self._get_mapping(attribute)
return self
[docs] @fluent
def on_list_field(self, field):
""" Apply query on a list field, to be used along with chain()
:param str field: field name (note: name is case sensitive)
:rtype: Query
self._attribute = 'fields/' + field
return self
[docs] def remove_filter(self, filter_attr):
""" Removes a filter given the attribute name """
filter_attr = self._get_mapping(filter_attr)
new_filters = []
remove_chain = False
for flt in self._filters:
if isinstance(flt, list):
if flt[0] == filter_attr:
remove_chain = True
# this is a ChainOperator
if remove_chain is False:
remove_chain = False
self._filters = new_filters
def _add_filter(self, *filter_data):
if self._attribute:
if self._filters and not isinstance(self._filters[-1],
sentence, attrs = filter_data
for i, group in enumerate(self._open_group_flag):
if group is True:
# Open a group
sentence = '(' + sentence
self._open_group_flag[i] = False # set to done
self._filters.append([self._attribute, sentence, attrs])
raise ValueError(
'Attribute property needed. call on_attribute(attribute) '
'or new(attribute)')
def _parse_filter_word(self, word):
""" Converts the word parameter into the correct format """
if isinstance(word, str):
word = "'{}'".format(word)
elif isinstance(word,
if isinstance(word, dt.datetime):
if word.tzinfo is None:
# if it's a naive datetime, localize the datetime.
word = self.protocol.timezone.localize(
word) # localize datetime into local tz
if word.tzinfo != pytz.utc:
word = word.astimezone(
pytz.utc) # transform local datetime to utc
if '/' in self._attribute:
# TODO: this is a fix for the case when the parameter
# filtered is a string instead a dateTimeOffset
# but checking the '/' is not correct, but it will
# differentiate for now the case on events:
# start/dateTime (date is a string here) from
# the case on other dates such as
# receivedDateTime (date is a dateTimeOffset)
word = "'{}'".format(
word.isoformat()) # convert datetime to isoformat.
word = "{}".format(
word.isoformat()) # convert datetime to isoformat
elif isinstance(word, bool):
word = str(word).lower()
elif word is None:
word = 'null'
return word
def _prepare_sentence(attribute, operation, word, negation=False):
negation = 'not' if negation else ''
attrs = (negation, attribute, operation, word)
sentence = '{} {} {} {}'.format(negation, attribute, operation, word).strip()
return sentence, attrs
[docs] @fluent
def logical_operator(self, operation, word):
""" Apply a logical operator
:param str operation: how to combine with a new one
:param word: other parameter for the operation
(a = b) would be like a.logical_operator('eq', 'b')
:rtype: Query
word = self._parse_filter_word(word)
*self._prepare_sentence(self._attribute, operation, word,
return self
[docs] @fluent
def equals(self, word):
""" Add a equals check
:param word: word to compare with
:rtype: Query
return self.logical_operator('eq', word)
[docs] @fluent
def unequal(self, word):
""" Add a unequals check
:param word: word to compare with
:rtype: Query
return self.logical_operator('ne', word)
[docs] @fluent
def greater(self, word):
""" Add a greater than check
:param word: word to compare with
:rtype: Query
return self.logical_operator('gt', word)
[docs] @fluent
def greater_equal(self, word):
""" Add a greater than or equal to check
:param word: word to compare with
:rtype: Query
return self.logical_operator('ge', word)
[docs] @fluent
def less(self, word):
""" Add a less than check
:param word: word to compare with
:rtype: Query
return self.logical_operator('lt', word)
[docs] @fluent
def less_equal(self, word):
""" Add a less than or equal to check
:param word: word to compare with
:rtype: Query
return self.logical_operator('le', word)
def _prepare_function(function_name, attribute, word, negation=False):
negation = 'not' if negation else ''
attrs = (negation, attribute, function_name, word)
return "{} {}({}, {})".format(negation, function_name, attribute, word).strip(), attrs
[docs] @fluent
def function(self, function_name, word):
""" Apply a function on given word
:param str function_name: function to apply
:param str word: word to apply function on
:rtype: Query
word = self._parse_filter_word(word)
*self._prepare_function(function_name, self._attribute, word,
return self
[docs] @fluent
def contains(self, word):
""" Adds a contains word check
:param str word: word to check
:rtype: Query
return self.function('contains', word)
[docs] @fluent
def startswith(self, word):
""" Adds a startswith word check
:param str word: word to check
:rtype: Query
return self.function('startswith', word)
[docs] @fluent
def endswith(self, word):
""" Adds a endswith word check
:param str word: word to check
:rtype: Query
return self.function('endswith', word)
[docs] @fluent
def iterable(self, iterable_name, *, collection, word, attribute=None, func=None,
""" Performs a filter with the OData 'iterable_name' keyword
on the collection
For example:
q.iterable('any', collection='email_addresses', attribute='address',
operation='eq', word='')
will transform to a filter such as:
emailAddresses/any(a:a/address eq '')
:param str iterable_name: the OData name of the iterable
:param str collection: the collection to apply the any keyword on
:param str word: the word to check
:param str attribute: the attribute of the collection to check
:param str func: the logical function to apply to the attribute inside
the collection
:param str operation: the logical operation to apply to the attribute
inside the collection
:rtype: Query
if func is None and operation is None:
raise ValueError('Provide a function or an operation to apply')
elif func is not None and operation is not None:
raise ValueError(
'Provide either a function or an operation but not both')
current_att = self._attribute
self._attribute = iterable_name
word = self._parse_filter_word(word)
collection = self._get_mapping(collection)
attribute = self._get_mapping(attribute)
if attribute is None:
attribute = 'a' # it's the same iterated object
attribute = 'a/{}'.format(attribute)
if func is not None:
sentence = self._prepare_function(func, attribute, word)
sentence = self._prepare_sentence(attribute, operation, word)
filter_str, attrs = sentence
filter_data = '{}/{}(a:{})'.format(collection, iterable_name, filter_str), attrs
self._attribute = current_att
return self
[docs] @fluent
def any(self, *, collection, word, attribute=None, func=None, operation=None):
""" Performs a filter with the OData 'any' keyword on the collection
For example:
q.any(collection='email_addresses', attribute='address',
operation='eq', word='')
will transform to a filter such as:
emailAddresses/any(a:a/address eq '')
:param str collection: the collection to apply the any keyword on
:param str word: the word to check
:param str attribute: the attribute of the collection to check
:param str func: the logical function to apply to the attribute
inside the collection
:param str operation: the logical operation to apply to the
attribute inside the collection
:rtype: Query
return self.iterable('any', collection=collection, word=word,
attribute=attribute, func=func, operation=operation)
[docs] @fluent
def all(self, *, collection, word, attribute=None, func=None, operation=None):
""" Performs a filter with the OData 'all' keyword on the collection
For example:
q.any(collection='email_addresses', attribute='address',
operation='eq', word='')
will transform to a filter such as:
emailAddresses/all(a:a/address eq '')
:param str collection: the collection to apply the any keyword on
:param str word: the word to check
:param str attribute: the attribute of the collection to check
:param str func: the logical function to apply to the attribute
inside the collection
:param str operation: the logical operation to apply to the
attribute inside the collection
:rtype: Query
return self.iterable('all', collection=collection, word=word,
attribute=attribute, func=func, operation=operation)
[docs] @fluent
def order_by(self, attribute=None, *, ascending=True):
""" Applies a order_by clause
:param str attribute: attribute to apply on
:param bool ascending: should it apply ascending order or descending
:rtype: Query
attribute = self._get_mapping(attribute) or self._attribute
if attribute:
self._order_by[attribute] = None if ascending else 'desc'
raise ValueError(
'Attribute property needed. call on_attribute(attribute) '
'or new(attribute)')
return self
[docs] def open_group(self):
""" Applies a precedence grouping in the next filters """
return self
[docs] def close_group(self):
""" Closes a grouping for previous filters """
if self._filters:
if len(self._open_group_flag) < (len(self._close_group_flag) + 1):
raise RuntimeError('Not enough open groups to close.')
if isinstance(self._filters[-1], ChainOperator):
flt_sentence = self._filters[-2]
flt_sentence = self._filters[-1]
flt_sentence[1] = flt_sentence[1] + ')' # closing the group
self._close_group_flag.append(False) # flag a close group was added
raise RuntimeError("No filters present. Can't close a group")
return self