- class O365.teams.Activity(*values)[source]
Valid values for Activity.
- AVAILABLE = 'Available'
- AWAY = 'Away'
- INACALL = 'InACall'
- PRESENTING = 'Presenting'
- class O365.teams.App(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
A Microsoft Teams app
- __init__(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
A Microsoft Teams app
- Parameters:
parent (Teams) – parent object
con (Connection) – connection to use if no parent specified
protocol (Protocol) – protocol to use if no parent specified (kwargs)
main_resource (str) – use this resource instead of parent resource (kwargs)
- app_definition
The details for each version of the app.
Type: list[teamsAppDefinition]
- object_id
The app ID generated for the catalog is different from the developer-provided ID found within the Microsoft Teams zip app package. The externalId value is empty for apps with a distributionMethod type of store. When apps are published to the global store, the id of the app matches the id in the app manifest.
Type: str
- class O365.teams.Availability(*values)[source]
Valid values for Availability.
- AVAILABLE = 'Available'
- AWAY = 'Away'
- BUSY = 'Busy'
- DONOTDISTURB = 'DoNotDisturb'
- class O365.teams.Channel(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
A Microsoft Teams channel
- __init__(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
A Microsoft Teams channel
- Parameters:
con (Connection) – connection to use if no parent specified
protocol (Protocol) – protocol to use if no parent specified (kwargs)
main_resource (str) – use this resource instead of parent resource (kwargs)
- get_message(message_id)[source]
Returns a specified channel chat messages :param message_id: number of messages to retrieve :type message_id: int or str :rtype: ChannelMessage
- get_messages(limit=None, batch=None)[source]
Returns a list of channel chat messages :param int limit: number of messages to retrieve :param int batch: number of messages to be in each data set :rtype: list[ChannelMessage] or Pagination of ChannelMessage
- send_message(content=None, content_type='text')[source]
Sends a message to the channel :param content: str of text, str of html, or dict representation of json body :type content: str or dict :param str content_type: ‘text’ to render the content as text or ‘html’ to render the content as html :rtype: ChannelMessage
- description
Optional textual description for the channel.
Type: str
- display_name
Channel name as it will appear to the user in Microsoft Teams.
Type: str
- email
The email address for sending messages to the channel.
Type: str
- object_id
The channel’s unique identifier.
Type: str
- class O365.teams.ChannelMessage(**kwargs)[source]
A Microsoft Teams chat message that is the start of a channel thread
- get_replies(limit=None, batch=None)[source]
Returns a list of replies to the channel chat message :param int limit: number of replies to retrieve :param int batch: number of replies to be in each data set :rtype: list or Pagination
- get_reply(message_id)[source]
Returns a specified reply to the channel chat message :param message_id: the message_id of the reply to retrieve :type message_id: str or int :rtype: ChatMessage
- send_reply(content=None, content_type='text')[source]
Sends a reply to the channel chat message :param content: str of text, str of html, or dict representation of json body :type content: str or dict :param str content_type: ‘text’ to render the content as text or ‘html’ to render the content as html
- channel_id
The identity of the team in which the message was posted.
Type: str
- team_id
The identity of the channel in which the message was posted.
Type: str
- class O365.teams.Chat(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
A Microsoft Teams chat
- __init__(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
A Microsoft Teams chat :param parent: parent object :type parent: Teams :param Connection con: connection to use if no parent specified :param Protocol protocol: protocol to use if no parent specified (kwargs) :param str main_resource: use this resource instead of parent resource (kwargs)
- get_member(membership_id)[source]
Returns a specified conversation member :param str membership_id: membership_id of member to retrieve :rtype: ConversationMember
- get_message(message_id)[source]
Returns a specified message from the chat :param message_id: the message_id of the message to receive :type message_id: str or int :rtype: ChatMessage
- get_messages(limit=None, batch=None)[source]
Returns a list of chat messages from the chat :param int limit: number of replies to retrieve :param int batch: number of replies to be in each data set :rtype: list[ChatMessage] or Pagination of ChatMessage
- send_message(content=None, content_type='text')[source]
Sends a message to the chat :param content: str of text, str of html, or dict representation of json body :type content: str or dict :param str content_type: ‘text’ to render the content as text or ‘html’ to render the content as html :rtype: ChatMessage
- chat_type
Specifies the type of chat. Possible values are: group, oneOnOne, meeting, unknownFutureValue.
Type: chatType
- created_date
Date and time at which the chat was created.
Type: datetime
- last_update_date
Date and time at which the chat was renamed or the list of members was last changed.
Type: datetime
- object_id
The chat’s unique identifier.
Type: str
- topic
Subject or topic for the chat. Only available for group chats.
Type: str
- web_url
The URL for the chat in Microsoft Teams.
Type: str
- class O365.teams.ChatMessage(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
A Microsoft Teams chat message
- __init__(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
A Microsoft Teams chat message :param parent: parent object :type parent: Channel, Chat, or ChannelMessage :param Connection con: connection to use if no parent specified :param Protocol protocol: protocol to use if no parent specified (kwargs) :param str main_resource: use this resource instead of parent resource (kwargs)
- channel_identity
If the message was sent in a channel, represents identity of the channel.
Type: channelIdentity
- chat_id
If the message was sent in a chat, represents the identity of the chat.
Type: str
- content
The content of the item.
Type: str
- content_type
The type of the content. Possible values are text and html.
Type: bodyType
- created_date
Timestamp of when the chat message was created.
Type: datetime
- deleted_date
Timestamp at which the chat message was deleted, or null if not deleted.
Type: datetime
- from_display_name
Name of the user or application message was sent from.
Type: str
- from_id
Id of the user or application message was sent from.
Type: str
- from_type
Type of the user or application message was sent from.
Type: any
- importance
The importance of the chat message.
Type: str
- last_edited_date
Timestamp when edits to the chat message were made. Triggers an “Edited” flag in the Teams UI.
Type: datetime
- last_modified_date
Timestamp when the chat message is created (initial setting) or modified, including when a reaction is added or removed.
Type: datetime
- message_type
The type of chat message.
Type: chatMessageType
- object_id
Unique ID of the message.
Type: str
- reply_to_id
ID of the parent chat message or root chat message of the thread.
Type: str
- subject
The subject of the chat message, in plaintext.
Type: str
- summary
Summary text of the chat message that could be used for push notifications and summary views or fall back views.
Type: str
- web_url
Link to the message in Microsoft Teams.
Type: str
- class O365.teams.ConversationMember(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
A Microsoft Teams conversation member
- __init__(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
A Microsoft Teams conversation member :param parent: parent object :type parent: Chat :param Connection con: connection to use if no parent specified :param Protocol protocol: protocol to use if no parent specified (kwargs) :param str main_resource: use this resource instead of parent resource (kwargs)
- class O365.teams.PreferredActivity(*values)[source]
Valid values for Activity.
- AVAILABLE = 'Available'
- AWAY = 'Away'
- BERIGHTBACK = 'BeRightBack'
- BUSY = 'Busy'
- DONOTDISTURB = 'DoNotDisturb'
- OFFWORK = 'OffWork'
- class O365.teams.PreferredAvailability(*values)[source]
Valid values for Availability.
- AVAILABLE = 'Available'
- AWAY = 'Away'
- BERIGHTBACK = 'BeRightBack'
- BUSY = 'Busy'
- DONOTDISTURB = 'DoNotDisturb'
- OFFLINE = 'Offline'
- class O365.teams.Presence(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
Microsoft Teams Presence
- __init__(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
Microsoft Teams Presence
- Parameters:
parent (Teams) – parent object
con (Connection) – connection to use if no parent specified
protocol (Protocol) – protocol to use if no parent specified (kwargs)
main_resource (str) – use this resource instead of parent resource (kwargs)
- activity
The supplemental information to a user’s availability. Possible values are Available, Away, BeRightBack, Busy, DoNotDisturb, InACall, InAConferenceCall, Inactive, InAMeeting, Offline, OffWork, OutOfOffice, PresenceUnknown, Presenting, UrgentInterruptionsOnly.
Type: list[str]
- availability
The base presence information for a user. Possible values are Available, AvailableIdle, Away, BeRightBack, Busy, BusyIdle, DoNotDisturb, Offline, PresenceUnknown
Type: list[str]
- object_id
The unique identifier for the user.
Type: str
- class O365.teams.Team(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
A Microsoft Teams team
- __init__(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
A Microsoft Teams team
- Parameters:
parent (Teams) – parent object
con (Connection) – connection to use if no parent specified
protocol (Protocol) – protocol to use if no parent specified (kwargs)
main_resource (str) – use this resource instead of parent resource (kwargs)
- get_channel(channel_id)[source]
Returns a channel of the team
- Parameters:
channel_id – the team_id of the channel to be retrieved.
- Return type:
- description
An optional description for the team.
Type: str
- display_name
The name of the team.
Type: str
- is_archived
Whether this team is in read-only mode.
Type: bool
- object_id
The unique identifier of the team.
Type: str
- web_url
A hyperlink that goes to the team in the Microsoft Teams client.
Type: str
- class O365.teams.Teams(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
A Microsoft Teams class
- __init__(*, parent=None, con=None, **kwargs)[source]
A Teams object
- Parameters:
parent (Account) – parent object
con (Connection) – connection to use if no parent specified
protocol (Protocol) – protocol to use if no parent specified (kwargs)
main_resource (str) – use this resource instead of parent resource (kwargs)
- create_channel(team_id, display_name, description=None)[source]
Creates a channel within a specified team
- Parameters:
team_id – the team_id where the channel is created.
display_name – the channel display name.
description – the channel description.
- Return type:
- get_apps_in_team(team_id)[source]
Returns a list of apps of a specified team
- Parameters:
team_id – the team_id of the team to get the apps of.
- Return type:
- get_channel(team_id, channel_id)[source]
Returns the channel info for a given channel
- Parameters:
team_id – the team_id of the channel.
channel_id – the channel_id of the channel.
- Return type:
- get_channels(team_id)[source]
Returns a list of channels of a specified team
- Parameters:
team_id – the team_id of the channel to be retrieved.
- Return type:
- get_my_chats(limit=None, batch=None)[source]
Returns a list of chats that I am in :param int limit: number of chats to retrieve :param int batch: number of chats to be in each data set :rtype: list[ChatMessage] or Pagination of Chat
- get_user_presence(user_id=None, email=None)[source]
Returns specific user availability and activity
- Return type:
- set_my_presence(session_id, availability: Availability, activity: Activity, expiration_duration)[source]
Sets my presence status
- Parameters:
session_id – the session/capplication id.
availability – the availability.
activity – the activity.
activity – the expiration_duration when status will be unset.
- Return type:
- set_my_user_preferred_presence(availability: PreferredAvailability, activity: PreferredActivity, expiration_duration)[source]
Sets my user preferred presence status
- Parameters:
availability – the availability.
activity – the activity.
activity – the expiration_duration when status will be unset.
- Return type: